
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jumper 2.0 System Requirements

Jumper 2.0 is open source software. It was developed on Sourceforge as a community effort, led by Jumper Networks, devoted to building and maintaining the open source version of Jumper, the award winning, ground breaking and revolutionary Enterprise Bookmarking platform.

Jumper 2.0 has certain technical requirements that must be met (i.e. installed and/or configured) on your server before you attempt to install it.

Web Server
Apache (Apache 1, Apache 2) is the most popular web server in the world, and is the one recommended by the Jumper Development Team for use with Jumper 2.0. It can be downloaded from the Apache HTTPD Project's site

Microsoft's IIS (Internet Information Services) web server has also been known to work. But there are some limitations. See Known Issues for details. Short URLs work, but Jump redirects are not yet supported for IIS.

Zeus, ...
There are a lot of alternative web servers. Jumper should work on any web server that can run PHP. But short URLs / Jump redirects (URL rewrite module) probably do not work with all of them.

Jumper is written in PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor). It is one of the most popular, free web-based languages in the world today. It can also be downloaded gratis from the PHP Project's site.

PHP Version Compatibility
Jumper requires at least version 4.3.0 (or more recent) or 5.x (5.0.4 or more recent) to function properly.

PHP 5 is highly recommended - PHP will not release any security updates for PHP 4 after 8/8/2008. If your webhost is still running PHP 4, please ask them to switch to PHP 5 as soon as possible for security reasons (not just for Jumper, but for all PHP applications).

PHP Settings
In addition to a basic PHP installation, Jumper requires certain PHP settings to be setup correctly in order to function optimally.

PHP settings can be changed in php.ini, as described in the PHP documentation available at

MySQL is not enabled by default, nor is the MySQL library bundled with PHP. In order to have these functions available, you must compile PHP with MySQL support.

Jumper can only be installed and run on the MySQL 3.x or 4.x, 5.x database management systems (DBMS).

This applies only to the database that Jumper runs on. The Jumper server has drivers for back-end integration into any JDBC or ODBC compatible database server.

As such Jumper has drivers for integration into:
MySQL 3.x or 4.x, 5.x
PostgreSQL 7.x, 8.x
Oracle 9i or 10g, IBM DB2 8.2
Microsoft SQL Server

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